A Steadi walk down memory lane on UoG Campus

Last weekend we got a break from production on Antisocial 2 to head home for some R&R. So of course I threw the Glidecam on for the day.

All of the students returned for another year of schooling and the University of Guelph asked me to cover their move-in day and make a video showing all of the emotion and excitement.

There was a special highlight for me: revisiting my original residence room in 1st year. It's been 11 years since I had been in that room (Good God!) and a wave of nostalgia hit me in the face when I saw it.

The rest of the day was spent racing around campus capturing clips of parents hugging their all-grown-up-now children goodbye, students meeting their roommates for the first time and all of the hard-working volunteers welcoming everyone to their first year at Guelph.

And now back to editing!

Leanne and Chantelle from Student Housing Services were my smiley guides around campus for the day.

You Wouldn't Like Shane When He's Angry - Shooting ReRez

Every once in a while I get a visit from my buddy Shane. He runs ReRez, a gaming news channel where he covers some of the coolest and strangest games out there. Seriously, the consoles and games he finds is sometimes mind-boggling. Check out some of his previous episodes to see what I mean.

Usually when he stops by it means he's upset about something in the gaming world. Our version of therapy involves him ranting while I follow him with the Glidecam rig. The result is a smooth, one-shot video that gets his point across. And his blood pressure goes back down to normal.

He's gotten really good at nailing these in one or two takes and no script. Quite proud of him really.

Hit play. Take a look. Enjoy.

And check out the ReRez YouTube channel for reviews of games and consoles you've never heard of before.

Acoustic jamming with The Vanishers (VIDEO)

One cold, winter night I got a call from my friend Paul. He and his band, The Vanishers, were lined up to play at a place downtown (the eBar is a popular place for live music) and wanted to record an acoustic set quickly before the show. Myself and two other camera operators showed up, armed with our gear and after a handful of minor technical issues (a broken field mixer being one of them, good thing I had my Zoom H4N recorder on hand), we were able to record two quick takes of them performing Mother Goose.

Also to give you an idea as to why I enjoy downtown Guelph so much, we recorded at the back of The Bookshelf (a popular place for...books) and they welcomed us in with a smile and wave as we setup and shot without disturbing any of their business. In fact, I'm pretty sure some of the customers sat in to watch the show.

The Vanishers
The Vanishers

If you ever get the chance to, I highly recommend checking out the band. If you're a fan of throat-punching, country-fried rock 'n roll...well, you're in luck because that's what they play. Follow The Vanishers on their Facebook page and catch their next show.